Hypnotherapy Courses
Allowing lasting change to be delivered easily at the unconcious level – which is where all behaviour is driven from

Our Hypnosis Practitioner course forms part of our 4 day Certified NLP Coach Course and entry to it is dependant on the student having completed our NLP Practitioner course. Our Hypnosis Master Practitioner course forms part of our 14 day Masters programme. All our Hypnosis courses are approved by the American Board on Hypnotherapy and offer delegates the opportunity to communicate with and make changes for the benefit of the client at the unconscious level. Given all behaviour is driven by the unconscious mind, changes at this level are akin to changing the auto-pilot for the client – so their thinking, feelings and behaviour change without the need to consciously remember to do anything differently!
Why learn Hypnosis?
You’ll learn effective hypnosis techniques to:
- Change your life and assist others to change theirs
- Create desired changes in behaviour at an unconscious level
- Encourage mental and physical wellbeing
- Create powerful motivational change in clients
- Cement in NLP changes at the end of a coaching session
- Overcome long term habits such as confidence, smoking etc
- Enable you to engage the power of your mind in a healthy and positive way
- Learn how to use hypnosis ethically and responsibly

On our Hypnosis courses, you’ll first learn what Hypnosis is and what it isn’t. So many people are like our Lead Trainer was when she was first introduced to Hypnosis – her prior experience had not been a positive one and she had pre-conceived ideas about what Hypnosis was all about. Being a control freak, she told the trainer ‘ain’t no-one going to be controlling my mind’. The comment itself shows that Laura didn’t really understand what Hypnosis was – because you are always in charge of your mind, and no-one can make you do anything you don’t want to do. By lunchtime on the first day of her first Hypnosis course, she was convinced it was the best relaxation she’d had in years and was delighted with how light and positive she was feeling!
As with all our courses, we equip you with the knowledge and understanding so you can practice on the course under the watchful eye of your trainer, building confidence as you work logically through the sections of the course. You’ll find the 2 days very practical, fascinating, with maximum ‘hands-on’ experience and exciting! You will find that you can successfully use hypnosis after only 2 days with us. How do we teach it in 2 days? – Simple. Hypnosis is about precision language and rapport. To enable us to teach hypnosis in this time frame, we only accept graduates of our NLP Practitioner programme (or other training providers known personally to Unleash Your Potential Ltd). This means we know that delegates have the language skills and rapport skills necessary to be great at hypnosis.
What is Hypnosis?
It’s simply a state of relaxation and has been around for many hundreds of thousands of years. It’s an altered state of consciousness which enables the mind to be open to suggestion. It’s widely accepted as a method for helping people make changes at the unconscious level (because the unconscious mind drives our behaviour, this means changes take place faster than with other talking therapies such as counselling). By engaging the unconscious, creative part of the brain, the mind is given suggestions that it can choose to take in order to bring about the desired results. The effectiveness of Hypnosis is directly related to the ability of the Hypnotherapist to influence the unconscious mind. All hypnosis is, in fact, self-hypnosis and this means that the client is always in charge – if a hypnotherapist makes a suggestion that is against the values of the client, the client will not take them on board and often a suggestion against someone’s values is the fastest way to bring someone out of hypnosis (although we don’t advocate this!). NLP and Time Line Therapy are advanced ways of using hypnotic techniques for helping people change quickly without the need for formal hypnotic induction. Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in cases of smoking, weight loss, stress reduction, motivation and pain control. To read more about what hypnosis is click here ….
What’s Involved & When Can I Do It?
- For Hypnosis Practitioner – Certified NLP Practitioner (with an ABNLP Trainer known to Unleash Your Potential Ltd)
- For Hypnosis Master Practitioner – Certified NLP Master Practitioner (with an ABNLP Trainer known to Unleash Your Potential Ltd)
Pre-Course Study
- Approx 4 hours – revision of relevant NLP materials
- Attendance at the above mentioned training course that includes an experience of Hypnosis
Live Training
- Hypnosis Practitioner certification is delivered as part of our 4 day Certified Coach Course & Hypnosis Master Practitioner certification is delivered as part of our 14 day Masters Programme.
- Expand your knowledge acquired on your previous trainings
- Hear each topic explained and see each subject demonstrated
- Maximum of 18 delegates on the course
- Practice in a safe environment
Next NLP Coach Course Dates (inc Hypnosis Practitioner):
Location | Start | Finish | Trainers |
Online | 10th April 2025 | 13th April 2025 | Laura Evans |
Cardiff | 18th May 2025 | 21st May 2025 | Laura Evans |
Online | 11th July 2025 | 14th July 2025 | Laura Evans |
Cardiff | 14th Sept 2025 | 17th Sept 2025 | Laura Evans |
Online | 27th Nov 2025 | 30th Nov 2025 | Laura Evans |
“What an amazing experience. I feel lighter than when I started! I have already started to actualise my goal and I feel proud of the progress I have made. This course has changed me and equipped me to help others change too!”
Why book our Hypnosis Course?
There are many reasons why people choose our courses. Some choose us for our high standards, quality of our trainers and courses – ‘you explain everything clearly and it’s easy for me to get it’. Many people join us because of the way we are able to provide both personal and professional development on our courses. Some book with us because they have been referred to us by a previous delegate, or they’ve heard of the support we provide delegates from the moment they book. Others book because we’re accredited by the ABNLP & ABH (American Board of NLP & American Board of Hypnosis). Our Lead Trainer for this course, Laura Evans is qualified to deliver Hypnosis Practitioner & Hypnosis Master Practitioner, which means you can qualify at both levels with the same provider.
At Unleash Your Potential, we teach in a way that means you can put things into practice straight away.
What will I learn on the Hypnosis courses?
Hypnosis Practitioner (is INCLUDED on our Certified Coach Course along with Time Line Therapy and NLP Coach)
- The History
- How to Pre-frame
- The Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnosis
- Patterns of Indirect Suggestion
- The Preparation for Trance
- Stages of Hypnosis
- Suggestibility test
- How to design Ericksonian Inductions
- How to deliver personalised Ericksonian Inductions
- General Pendulum Paradigm
- Deepening Techniques personalised to the client
- Contraindications for Hypnosis
- Post Hypnotic Suggestions
- Ethics in Hypnosis
Hypnosis Master Practitioner (is INCLUDED on our Masters Programme along with Master Time Line Therapy, Master NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Coach)
- Multiple Embedded Metaphors refreshed
- Progressive Induction
- Depending Techniques
- Introduction to Elman and Estabrook – direct authoritarian approach
- Elements of an Elman Induction
- The Elman Pre-talk
- Elman Hypnotic Inductions
- The stages of hypnosis – revisited
- Elaman’s stages of trance
- Dave Elman Inductions
- Convincers
- Post Hypnotic Suggestions with Amnesia
What if I've completed my NLP training with a different provider?
No problem. If you have trained with an ABNLP accredited trainer known personally to Unleash Your Potential then it’s entirely possible that you could transition onto our course straight away. If you trained with an ABNLP Trainer not known by us or with a school under a different governing body (such as the SNLP, ANLP, INLPTA etc) we may ask you to complete some ‘top-up’ training to ensure that you are not disadvantaged on the course. Please call Lyn on 02920 023311 or email her at [email protected] and she’ll talk to you about your experience and advice on next steps.
Do you offer discounts if I book multiple courses?
Absolutely. At Unleash Your Potential Ltd we believe in offering our customers increased value when booking additional courses. If you book your NLP Coach course (inc Hypnosis Practitioner and Time Line Therapy Practitioner) and Master Practitioner Course at the same time you’ll save money. The more you book the more you save!! Contact us for details.
Do you offer payment via instalment?
Yes, for courses at Practitioner level and above. Payment via instalment is interest free – e.g. we do not charge you any more for using this option to pay for your course(s). Once you’ve made an initial deposit, we’ll discuss with you how much is left to pay and when you’ll make those payments to us. All courses must be paid for in full before you can attend. Contact us for more details on 02920 023311 or email us at [email protected]
What’s included in my course fees?
Hypnosis Practitioner:
- 4 days Certified NLP Coach classroom training, of which your Hypnosis Practitioner training is part.
Hypnosis Master Practitioner:
- 14 days Master Practitioner Course classroom training, of which your Hypnosis Master Practitioner training is part.
- Run from well established hotel venues, with access to our Trainers throughout your course – who are happy to answer questions one on one and do whatever we can to ensure you get the best possible experience
- Refreshments provided throughout the course (you can purchase your lunch at the venue or bring your own)
- A comprehensive course manual & a copy of the slides after the course to aid your learning and on-going development
- All assessment and Unleash Your Potential certification costs
How many delegates are on each course?
Our aim is to offer people a highly valuable and quality experience of NLP. To ensure that this is possible, we limit attendance at these events to a maximum of 18 delegates. We anticipate high demand for these high quality courses, therefore we encourage you to ACT NOW! – you can check out our next available course dates on our Course Schedule page.
I can't find the answer to my question ...
Contact us – Call on 02920 023311 or email us [email protected]
Who should attend this course?
We have all types of people on our courses. If you enjoyed your taste of Hypnosis on your NLP Practitioner course and want to learn more about Hypnosis, then the Certified Coach Course is absolutely for you! If you’d like to learn how to use Hypnosis as part of a Coaching or Therapy business then you definitely need to attend. If you’d love to spend 2 days being deeply relaxed and developing your language skills (even if you don’t intend to use Hypnosis as such) then you should also join us.
If you’d like to learn how to get amazing results for your clients as part of our two day intensive breakthrough Coaching or Weight Change Paradigm Coaching then you’ll need to qualify as a Hypnosis Master Practitioner in order that you have the skills to be able to truly help people get the results they desire! (you can qualify for this as part of the 14 day Masters Programme).
How do I book?
We take all bookings over the phone so you can call Lyn on 02920 023311, emails us at [email protected] or contact us though our website here.
As soon as you invest we will send out your confirmation of booking. The beauty of this course is there is minimal pre-course study – we will explain what you need to do when we take your booking. You’ll find us approachable, helpful and friendly all the way through your experience with us – we can’t wait to see and hear how you can use what you’ve learned to improve your results!