Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success or even fear of fear. All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives and it can be a real stumbling block that holds us back from being truly successful.
Fear can hold you back forever, if you let it. The question is whether are you going to let fear continue to stop you?
Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear – Jack Canfield
On our NLP Practitioner courses we help our students let go of unwarranted and inappropriate fear that they are still holding onto from the past in an easy and comfortable content-free way. We use an advanced NLP technique called Time Line Therapy® (our students tell us Time Line Therapy® is the hidden gem of our Practitioner course – watch here!). The transformation in people is astonishing and what’s even more impressive is what they go on to achieve in their career, business and life in general when fear no longer stops them in their tracks.
For now, there are several ways I can share with you so you can start to take steps to overcome fear, here are my top 9:

Ask yourself what is really going on, locate the facts and place them over your feelings.
Figure out what it is in a situation that triggers you. Learning to identify it will help you learn to combat it.
A lot of times, fear takes over physically. It affects different people different ways. Identify if/how it affects your physical body and do the work to take care of your body. Ex: if you hold stress in your back, you can learn stretches, foam rolling, etc. to avoid the pain.
Everyday, list out 1-3 things you are thankful for. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, gratitude helps shift the mind into a positive light, which overtime, overcomes fear.
Monitor your inner conversations. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself. Speak positively to yourself and remind yourself of your strengths. Mel Robbins has a practice called the ‘High Five’ habit which essentially means looking at yourself in the mirror and literally giving yourself a high five – try it! See how you feel when you start to recognise all that you do well and congratulate yourself on your best qualities – such as being a loving and caring person.
Remind yourself that the feeling and the moment will pass. Focus on the positive outcome of the situation, rather than the scary inbetween.
Perception is a very powerful thing, and how you feel about your situation dictates how you respond. So think positively and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of success. This won’t happen overnight; practice with just one thought. What is one recurring negative/fearful thought you have? Work on reversing this one thought. Overtime, this will become a habit.
Breathing helps center your body; when you stop breathing, your heart stops beating. You can do a grounding exercise, or even just take 5 deep, long breaths at any point to calm and center yourself. It is best to start your day with this, but feel free to practice all day long. Check a breathing exercise I recommend HERE.
When you feel safe and secure, there is no room for fear. Find somewhere safe you can retreat to when ill feelings begin – whether this is a real place such as your bedroom, or a place in your mind such as the beach. This sense of comfort will soothe you and allow you to face your fear.
Please keep in mind, these are just 9 strategies, not everything works for everyone. But this is a place to start. Start implementing these techniques into your life and don’t let fear hold you back from reaching your goals and your highest potential this year!
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