Feeling stuck can be exhausting, frustrating and leave you feeling powerless …

What does feeling stuck mean to you?

Perhaps you are feeling stuck in terms of your job, business, relationships, health & fitness, personal growth, professionally, or with your family? Do you feel like ‘life’ has derailed you? – how would it be if you could get back on track? Perhaps you feel like the next phase of your life is just around the corner, it’s so close, yet you feel stuck unable to reach out and grab it? Maybe you already realise that something needs to change, and if you knew what that was, you’d do it and charge over the line – but you just can’t put your finger on it? If you are stuck, you are probably costing yourself money, time, happiness and perhaps loosing confidence?


Are you really stuck or is your mindset hindering you?

Some people put a metaphorical line between them and their goal. A line they seem unable to cross. The truth is your stuck ‘line’ is not real. Your unhelpful internal stories are not true. Stop believing all the unhelpful thoughts that pass through your mind …

People create all sorts of ‘lines’, barriers, ‘what if ‘scenarios in their heads about all sorts of things. We believe the thoughts in our heads (at that moment) and as a result we act or behave in a certain way. The fact is that your stories about your ‘line’, your stories that you tell yourself about what is possible or not possible are just thoughts. Feeling stuck is simply a story that you tell yourself – (unless your are physically restrained of course!) When you are caught up in the ‘line’ story it seems real – I know it does because I’ve been there. The story paralyses you – your thinking stops you – but the key question that you need to ask yourself is: is there really anything stopping you?


5 tips to help you become unstuck …


  1. Decide if you really want things to change -deciding is one thing, taking action is something else. To date, if you have decided, but not taken action this could be due to your Values. Sometimes the status quo may inadvertently be what you’re unconscious mind is driving for (as a result of your values – what’s important to us and what motivates us). Your Values are unconscious and determine what you spend time on and what results you get (read this earlier post about how the unconscious mind that always wins!). Understanding your Values in itself, could shed some light on why you’re struggling to get unstuck … ask yourself – what is it that I really want? what is it that’s most important to me? (if you decide that you don’t want to change that’s fine – please don’t be one of these people who then beat themselves up because they ‘should’ have made a different decision!)
  2. Create a goal – I don’t mind if you do vision boards, or you set goals in other ways (such as the NLP well formed outcomes goal setting techniques) but get a really really compelling goal – a goal with a ton of ‘why’ – why is it that you want to become unstuck? what would it mean to you if you were unstuck? You need a goal that fills you with excitement, with passion, with an unquenchable thirst for what you want. Then get after that!
  3. Take responsibility for change & act – (its time for some more tough love my friends!) … do you want to unstick yourself badly enough? honestly? – if you do, talking about it won’t cut it – you need to take massive action and consistent action (by this I mean do something everyday) – if you really really want it badly enough, then you’ll find a way to make it happen, and we work with lots of people that have decided they want it badly enough to engage a coach or come on an NLP course because they want to ensure nothing stops them getting it!
  4. Act ‘as if’ you’re already unstuck! – the ‘as if’ principle is a great place to start (and you can do this straight away) – start by acting as if you are were not stuck – ask yourself, if I was the other side of my ‘line’ how would I act? what would I do? what would I say to myself? – then start doing it …
  5. Decide you are going to be brave – you can decide to do this right now! … break-free – the question is will you?! (please don’t let fear be the one thing that stopped you from being awesome!)

Here at Unleash Your Potential, we are all about unleashing individual and business potential – put simply that is what we do for a living and we love it! Whether that’s through coaching or through training, or providing consultancy for business owners and leaders. Check out our website for more details.

How would it be if you could feel unstoppable? What if you were no longer stuck and had moved forward? What if in the future you looked back to this moment and said ‘that was the moment when it all changed!” – how good would that be?

Live life, don’t settle for an existence …

feeling stuck