Is your story helping or hindering your success?
Have you ever felt as if you had failed? Said you yourself: “I’ve tried everything!”
Why did you feel that way? … was it because you didn’t have the money, time, technology, contacts, right people ….. the thing is, as Tony Robbins says, these are all resources, and resources are never the problem … the key is resourcefulness … the state of mind that no matter what, you are resourceful – you are determined, committed, creative, passionate, decisive, honesty …….Tony Robbins says that Resourcefulness is the ultimate resource …..
What does this have to do with your story?
We all have stories. Stories that we tell ourselves over and over again. Sometimes these stories are, shall we say, not quite the truth … have you ever found yourself repeating a story over and over in your head to the point you start to believe it. Stories such as “I’ve tried everything”, “I’m Ugly”, “I can’t do this”, “there’s no way I can x,y,z”, “if only I had x,y,z I could do it” …. you know the stories I’m talking about, right?!
I used to have a story that I used to tell myself; ‘I can’t loose weight because I don’t have the time to go to the gym, I can’t afford the fresh fruit and veg I need to be eating, if only I could afford to ….’ – you get the gist – this is not a helpful story to be running in your mind, and focuses mainly about the resources that I don’t have which are stopping me achieving what I wanted – it’s full of the reasons why I can’t do something – I was trying to justify to myself why something was not possible and convinced myself I had legitimate reasons not to act …
The thing is that if you just stopped for a moment and challenged one of your stories you would realise (as I did), maybe your story is not helping and perhaps is not the real truth …
I encourage your to stop for a moment and consider one of your stories …. how your specific story is limiting your ability, your belief in yourself, your chance of success … it doesn’t matter if your thinking about a story relating to your relationship(s), career, business, finances, health, fitness …..
in all the areas of your life you are telling yourself stories – some are helpful and empowering, but my guess is that many are not …
Want to change your story to support your success?
What you need is a story to get you to act … a story that is about resourcefulness … the story you tell yourself that is the glue that means the difference between you achieving your goal/desires and not reaching them …
80% of success is Psychology and only 20% is Mechanics – Tony Robbins
So, if we apply the principles of resourcefulness we can change the stories we tell ourselves …
I was so determined, passionate, focused and decisive in my desire to increase my health and fitness that I worked with my coach, used a bunch of NLP techniques to create a compelling health and fitness goal (note: no mention of loosing weight!) … removed my unhelpful stories around this area of my life … and created huge motivation towards my goal through work around my values (the things that motivate us) …. the results so far??? …. in the last few months I’ve lost almost 1.5 stone and it’s still coming off, but more importantly I’ve got so much more energy, am get rid of clothes that are now too big, sleeping better and more! … my goal has a specific date, specific measures, and huge ‘why’ and more (because I set it using the NLP technique called well formed outcomes) …. I am set for success …
So I am living proof that NLP can help you get the success you want!
If you want to find out more about how you can create success in any area of your life … get in touch … [email protected] or by phone 02920 023311